
Partial dentures
When a patient has most of the teeth missing, a denture is one of the simplest solutions. Nowadays, the prostheses can renew the functionality alongside the beautiful, natural look. In such cases, the solution is either partial denture or combined work. Combined work consist of partly fixed prosthodontics (crowns or bridges) in combination with partial dentures. Fixed part and the partial denture are interconnected by a hinge (attachment). The hinge connection is the invisible element connecting the partial denture and fixed prosthetics restoration.

Full dentures
In cases where the patient has no teeth in dental jaw, a full denture is the common solution. The biggest drawback of full dentures is often the instability. To achieve the stability, the dental implants need to be inserted to enhance the strength of the prosthesis. The dentures that are enhanced with implants have excellent quality - they can be easily removed for cleaning and hygiene, while their fitting is additionally secured, so you feel completely safe while eating or talking.