Caries, dental calculus, gingivitis and disrupted aesthetics of your teeth and smile - all of these unpleasant things are often caused by dental plaque formation. The formation of a thin, sticky and transparent film that adheres to the surface of the teeth, gums, and even on tongue, can be prevented by regular and proper oral hygiene.

Professional cleaning

The most effective method to avoid above mentioned problems is professional teeth cleaning. It consists of removing dental calculus, cleaning of the hardly accessible layers and pigmentation, tooth polishing and finally the application of the means that neutralize the acidity in mouth and protect the tooth surface. The procedure takes about an hour, and the results are quite surprising - in addition to oral health and visual aesthetic improvements, it brings the overall feeling of cleanliness and comfort in the mouth.


We can educate you about the optimal techniques of brushing teeth, let you know what are the additional preparations for you to use, suited just for you. Leave the choice of quality toothbrushes and toothpaste to us, and we will also tell you which types is best to avoid.


For best results, use only the toothbrushes, pastes and preparations recommended by your dentist!


Esthetic Dental Center EDC Dombaj Adress
Tizianova 12B 51000 Rijeka Croatia
Phone number +385 51 584 037
Contact us via Viber and Whatsapp +385 91 437 2392
Working hours

Saturdays by appointment

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